Which CMS should I choose? Sitecore vs. Umbraco based on our experience

If you need a web portal and start searching on the Internet for the best solution for your company, it is easy to get lost in the wealth of information.  And at first glance, it is not clear what the difference between the different solutions is.

At ALLWIN, when it comes to unique web portal and CMS development, we usually recommend and use the Sitecore and Umbraco bases. Based on our years of experience, these two CMSs can cover any individual need, but there are still essential differences between the two.

In our article, we would like to compare these functions that represent the most important differences, so that you can easily navigate between Sitecore and Umbraco CMS.


We start the comparison with the basics, i.e., that both CMSs were developed in Microsoft's framework – .NET. But while Umbraco is an open-source CMS platform and can be used for free, you only must pay for the support fee if you require it and for some extra modules. Sitecore, on the other hand, is a closed source platform, where all functions are available after purchasing the license fee. In most cases there is no need for plug-ins or other third-party tools, if the basic CMS functions cover all needs.

You can find plenty of understandable articles on the internet about the other basic differences between the two CMSs, but we decided to go over the issue in terms of the essential functions, because perhaps these are the seemingly small points that ultimately tip the scales in favor of one or in the other direction.



As I mentioned, both systems are perfectly suitable for building a web portal that supports your business goals by developing unique needs. But what are the similarities in terms of functionality?

From the user’ side

Based on our experience, we can say that among the CMS functions, most users mostly only use the functions used for content management.

The good news here is that both CMS systems provide these functions.

Sitecore versus Umbraco table

(*) - in terms of workflow, Sitecore already provides better workflow management and customization, while in the case of Umbraco complex workflow functions can be created by installing a separate module.

(**) – for both systems, users can be stored in the CMS system, but it is also possible to use external authentication (e.g., Active Directory).

Technological view

Many similarities can also be discovered in terms of the technologies used and supported, which we have collected in the table below to help you understand them better.

Which CMS is better to use depends on the project. Basically, we can say that both CMSs use the most modern technologies.

Sitecore and Umbraco comparison via technologies

(*) If the application / portal is operated in a SaaS(Software-as-a-Service) infrastructure, the usage fee already includes the Azure costs.

(**) The CMS license does not include these; the e-commerce software can be used upon payment of a separate license fee. We recommend these for the given systems, but of course other e-commerce platform scan also be used.

(***) Umbraco Heartcore is a SaaS service‍


And then, after the many similarities, let's get down to what the differences are that should be considered when choosing the basis of your unique CMS.

Let's start with what we think Sitecore does better.

Sitecore advantages over Umbraco

There are plenty of arguments in favor of Umbraco, too, let's take a look at them!

Umbraco advantages over Sitecore


As you can see from this list, both CMSs can be a perfect choice for your company. You only need to look at the functions and options that are necessary to achieve your goals along with any future plans you have, which should be taken into account during the selection.
For example, are your long-term goals to be present in several countries?
And is it therefore of utmost importance to create a multisite environment in the future?
Or do you prefer simple user interfaces to make life easier for your colleagues?
Do you need a fully customizable form editor, or is a non-custom form sufficient?

Since every company is different and their needs are different, there is no general answer as to which CMS system will serve you better. What one of the customers absolutely needs may not even be on your nice-to-have list, but there is a function that you cannot function without.

We recommend that before making such a large-scale decision, in addition to reading it carefully, you should definitely consult with our team of consultants. They can help you to map your ideas and find the most suitable CMS platform for your company, so that you choose the solution you need.

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